
Annual Report - 2011
2010 Annual Report of the African Water Facility (AWF). Document reviews the achievements of the AWF since its inception and specifically activities and programmes in 2010

Research Report - 2011
In its third year, this mapping exercise of climate change financial flows to developing countries is an initiative of the United National Environment Programme (UNEP) Bilateral Finance Institutions Climate Change Working Group (‘UNEP BFI CCWG’)....

Report - 2011
In 2010-2011, the subject of ‘Climate Finance’ has become a key focus of government policy makers and the many non-government research institutes and organisations that advise them. Two key parallel streams of work have been on policy (e.g. what...

Guidelines - 2011
One of the major objectives of these guidelines is to reduce water loss by improving the management of existing water supply networks, with a special focus on the method of pressure management. The guidelines have been prepared within a development...

Report - 2011
Urban Water and Sanitation Poverty in Tanzania is striking. Recent data suggests that 74% of the urban population in Tanzania’s nineteen regional cities and Dar es Salaam lives in so called Low-Income Areas (LIAs). Only an estimated 23% of those...

Annual Report - 2010
The Annual Report analyses the commitments and disbursement to infrastructure in Africa for 2010 by ICA Members and other sources of finance – also by sectoral and regional distribution. In 2010 total external commitments have again increased...

Study/Research - 2010
Le service Evaluation de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) a lancé en mai 2010 une étude de capitalization sur l’intervention de l’Agence dans le secteur forestier du Bassin du Congo sur la période 1990-2010. Réalisée par des...

Report - 2010
In 2010 the Department for International Development (DFID) commissioned a BGS-led team to undertake a one-year study aimed to improve understanding of the resilience of African groundwater to climate change and links to livelihoods. As part of this...