
Filtres de recherche
African Women and ICTs-Investigating Technology, Gender and Empowerment

eBook - 2009

Women in Africa are undeniably participating in the information and communication technology (ICT) revolution and they are doing so in many and varied ways; the changes that the use of these tools have brought about are visible everywhere....

Radio Convergence and Development in Africa

Research Paper - 2009

Paper submitted to International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Carleton University Roundtable Discussion on a Research Agenda, Sep 10-13, Butare, Rwanda

Water - Fundamental for Development - DEG/KFW Annual Report 2008

Annual Report - 2009

DEG/KFW Annual Report 2008 - On cooperation with developing countries in the water sector

En 2007 et 2008, la Banque allemande de développement (KfW), la Banque européenne d’inves tissement (BEI) et les départements d’évaluation de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) ont conduit une évaluation ex post du projet de barrage de...

Water Supply, Sanitiation and Geneder - Promotion of Developing Countries

Position Paper - 2008

In almost all societies, men and women have different roles in water issues. This is particularly the case in rural regions. In many places women and sometimes girls are responsible for carrying and storing the water for drinking and domestic use in...

Projet d’assainissement collectif de la ville de Ouagadougou Office national d’eau et d’assainissement

Study/Research - 2008

Ce projet s’inscrit dans la continuite des interventions de l’AFD en faveur de l’ONEA, particulierement du projet d’alimentation en eau potable de Ouagadougou par le barrage de ZIGA qui induit un volume beaucoup plus important d’eau usee à traiter.

Infrastructure and Urban Development Department - Annual Report 2019

Infrastructure and Urban Development Department - Annual Report 2019

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