
Report - 2011
In long years of international cooperation, KfW Bankengruppe has gained the trust of its partners – innovative financing for adaptation to climate change builds on this foundation. As the financing of climate change adaptation measures and the...

Report - 2011
The renewed regional strategy was developed through widespread consultations. It sets World Bank directions in support of Africa’s transformation and provides the framework in which to embed country strategies. The strategy builds on lessons learned...

Report - 2011
This Progress Report comes in the wake of our new Africa Strategy, which has been prepared at a time of strong economic growth and rapid post crisis rebound that has given rise to a new optimism. In this new context, African leaders and citizens are...
L’Union européenne (UE) et la Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI), son institution de financement à long terme, ont fait de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques et de leur atténuation un axe prioritaire de leurs politiques. La BEI contribue...
C'est en premier lieu au travers de l'eau que les changements climatiques affectent la société et les écosystèmes. La fréquence accrue de phénomènes climatiques extrêmes a de graves effets néfastes sur la disponibilité et la qualité des ...

Report - 2011
The ICA has partnered with leading financial information group PEI to produce the African Infrastructure Intelligence Report. The report provides an objective and substantive overview of Africa's infrastructure needs, giving those engaged in...

Study/Research - 2011
À l’occasion d’un travail de synthèse de cinq années de recherche à l’AFD sur les partenariats public-privé (PPP), il nous a donc semblé nécessaire de croiser les analyses portant sur diverses périodes et géographies et issues de différents acteurs...

Report - 2011
In 2010-2011, the subject of ‘Climate Finance’ has become a key focus of government policy makers and the many non-government research institutes and organisations that advise them. Two key parallel streams of work have been on policy (e.g. what...

Research Report - 2011
In its third year, this mapping exercise of climate change financial flows to developing countries is an initiative of the United National Environment Programme (UNEP) Bilateral Finance Institutions Climate Change Working Group (‘UNEP BFI CCWG’)....