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AFREXIMBANK (The African Export Import Bank)

Facility URL www.afreximbank.com
Facility Objectives

The primary objective of Afreximbank’s Project Preparation Facility is the provision of support for all project preparation cycle activities including project definition, studies, advisory services, and project marketing and fundraising, specifically:

  • To provide technical assistance in project identification, preparation and value-for-money feasibility studies with a view to making the projects bankable and attractive to investors;
  • To increase the availability of viable well-prepared projects, by supporting project stakeholders to prepare high-quality projects;
  • To leverage-off and partner with other project preparation facilities in the continent and beyond to support the preparation of projects in Africa;
  • To enhance collaboration among project stakeholders and project financiers to facilitate the identification and mobilisation of project preparation financing; and
  • To enhance the financial sustainability of project preparation for projects that will support Intra African Trade, stimulate industrialisation and enhance export development activities in the continent, by diversifying the sources and modalities of project preparation financing.
Sectors Energy, Transport

African Development Fund

Facility URL www.afdb.org/en/projects-and-operations/financial-products/african-development-fund/
Facility Objectives

The ADF was established in 1972 and is administered by the African Development Bank (AfDB). It comprises 29 contributing countries and benefits 38 countries, of which nearly half are classified as fragile or conflict-affected states. The ADF has invested US$ 45bn since it became operational in 1974.

Sectors Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, ICT

EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund

Facility URL www.eu-africa-infrastructure-tf.net/
Facility Objectives

Created in 2007, the aim of the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund (EU-AITF) is to promote increased investment in infrastructure projects in Sub-Saharan Africa – both in projects with a regional impact or national projects that support the Sustainable Energy For All (SE4ALL) objectives.  

The EU-AITF combines long-term investments from development finance institutions (loans, risk capital, etc) with grant monies to gain financial and qualitative leverage as well as project sustainability.  EU-AITF donor contributions stem from the European Commission and from thirteen European Union member states.

Sectors Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, ICT

Green Climate Fund

Facility URL www.greenclimate.fund
Facility Objectives

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a new global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change.  GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. It seeks to promote a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development, taking into account the needs of nations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts.

The DBSA received its accreditation as an entity of the GCF in March 2016. The DBSA is accredited as a direct access entity that can implement all sizes (in terms of total amount as well as environmental and social risk category) of GCF funded projects in the Sub-Saharan Africa region.  The Bank has the opportunity to access GCF funds in order to support innovative and risk-sharing approaches in projects that contribute towards low-carbon and climate-resilient development.

Sectors Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, ICT

Public Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)

Facility URL www.ppiaf.org
Facility Objectives

Established in 1999 as a joint initiative of the governments of Japan and the United Kingdom, the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a multi-donor technical assistance facility that is financed by 11 multilateral and bilateral donors. Working closely with and housed inside the World Bank Group, PPIAF is a catalyst for increasing private sector participation in emerging markets, enabling the public sector to attract private sector participation and investment in infrastructure.  PPIAF’s mission is to help eliminate poverty and increase shared prosperity in developing countries by facilitating private sector involvement in infrastructure.

Sectors Energy, Transport, Water & Sanitation, ICT

Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa

Facility URL www.afdb.org/en/topics-and-sectors/initiatives-partnerships/sustainable-energy-fund-for-africa/
Facility Objectives

The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) is a multi-donor trust fund which promotes renewable energy and energy efficiency through private sector driven small- to medium-sized projects necessary to stimulate the continent’s transition to more inclusive and green growth. SEFA is funded by the governments of Denmark, Italy, the United States and the United Kingdom. The SEFA Secretariat is hosted by AfDB’s Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Department (PERN).


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