L’entreprise néerlandaise Vivo Energy vient de signer un accord avec l’exploitant minier canadien Robex Resources pour l’installation d’une centrale solaire photovoltaïque de 3,9 MWc avec système de stockage...
Véhicules autonomes, logiciel de gestion et infrastructure de bord de route : en se focalisant sur ces trois composantes, Outrider propose d'automatiser les entrepôts logistiques. La pépite a levé 65...
Multilateral development banks and project preparation facilities have a critical role to play in supporting government efforts to prepare sustainable and quality infrastructure pipelines that crowd in private investment. Quality...
ICA members took part at the Sustainable Infrastructure Development Symposium of South Africa (SIDSSA) to discuss the government’s revised Infrastructure Investment Plan – a public-private initiative to accelerate...
The African Development Bank’s (www.AfDB.org) Board of Directors has approved a $1.2 million grant to Ethiopia’s government to finance a feasibility study for construction of a standard-gauge railway (SGR) link...
Traversant le fleuve Zambèze, le pont de Kazungula dont la construction a commencé en 2014, est un élément essentiel du corridor nord-Sud, une route commerciale clé reliant le port de Durban en Afrique du...
UK companies must leap at the chance to deepen economic ties with Africa, a continent with unmatched investment opportunities, several African leaders said at a high-level panel.
The ECOWAS Programme on Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access (ECOW-GEN) is a flagship programme of the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) addressing barriers to the equal participation of women and...
L’énergéticien norvégien SN Power et l’Industrial Promotion Services (IPS), la branche industrielle du Fonds Aga Khan pour le développement économique (AKFED) conduiront la mise en place de la centrale...