
Report - 2015
This study, commissioned by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa, provides a detailed assessment of African Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs).

Report - 2015
This study, commissioned by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa, assesses the current and past contributions of African Sub-Regional Development Banks (SRDBs) to infrastructure development in Africa.

Report - 2015
This annual publication about infrastructure financing trends (the sixth in the series) serves as a unique document monitoring the flow of resources to Africa’s infrastructure

Report - 2015
The high profile of infrastructure and access to related services in the communiques of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) at their annual meetings in late 2014 underscores the importance of this issue for development...

Report - 2015
This is the third edition of our annual Deloitte African Construction Trends report. Our report this year highlights how capital intensive infrastructure development is progressing on the continent. We also track project updates and flag trends that...

This annual publication of the ICA, provides a comprehensive easy-to-read review and description of the infrastructure financing trends in Africa. It provides specific information on the volume...

Guide - 2014
This guide was written for the Africa Electrification Initiative (AEI). The objective of the AEI program is to create and sustain a living body of practical knowledge and to establish an active network of Sub-Saharan African practitioners who work...

Reference Guide - 2014
This second version of the PPP Reference Guide, as the first one, presents a global overview of the diversity oof approaches and experiences in the implementation of PPPs, providing an entry point to the substantial body of knowledge on PPPs that...

Concept Paper - For Discussion at 10th ICA Annual Meeting - 2014
The lack of a strong pipeline of well-prepared, bankable projects has been widely recognized as one of the key constraints to infrastructure development in Africa. ‘Project preparation’ is a process which comprises the entire set of...