
Overview & Full Report - 2010
The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) is a comprehensive knowledge program commissioned by the ICA to improve understanding of Africa's infrastructure situation. The AICD assists policymakers in setting priorities for current...

Annual Report - 2009
The Annual Report analyses the 2009 commitments and disbursements for infrastructure in Africa by ICA Members and other sources of finance.

The central objective of the International Year of Sanitation was to put the global community on track to achieve the MDG sanitation target. The year was successful in increasing awareness and commitment and mobilizing governments. However, one year...

Report - 2008
This report provides a summary of financial commitments from members of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) for infrastructure in Africa for 2008 by overall volume, sector and geographic distribution. It also discusses commitments...

Study/Research - 2008
Ce projet s’inscrit dans la continuite des interventions de l’AFD en faveur de l’ONEA, particulierement du projet d’alimentation en eau potable de Ouagadougou par le barrage de ZIGA qui induit un volume beaucoup plus important d’eau usee à traiter.

Review - 2007
Risk mitigation instruments can help mobilise commercial debt and private equity when governments or local infrastructure entities lack the creditworthiness or track record to attract finance on their own. A review of risk mitigation instruments...

Report - 2007
At the 2002 Kananaskis/Canada Summit, the Heads of State and Government of eight major industrialised countries (G8) and the representatives of the European Union met with African Leaders and agreed to the G8 Africa Action Plan. In this action plan,...

User Guide - 2007
A user-guide to donor debt and equity financing for infrastructure has been produced by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA), and funded by a grant from the Private-Public Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF). The objective of this...