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En 2007 et 2008, la Banque allemande de développement (KfW), la Banque européenne d’inves tissement (BEI) et les départements d’évaluation de l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) ont conduit une évaluation ex post du projet de barrage de...

Financial Commitments for Infrastructure in Africa for 2008

Report - 2008

This report provides a summary of financial commitments from members of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) for infrastructure in Africa for 2008 by overall volume, sector and geographic distribution. It also discusses commitments...

The Value of Transport Research - A DFID Perspective

Report - 2008

Despite the benefits from investments in transport research, acquisition of funding for research projects in developing countries is difficult to obtain. There may be a number of reasons for this, including a lack of awareness of the potential...

IRF Bulletin Special Edition AFRICA

Bulletin - 2008

Special Bulletin on Africa by IRF

Eastern Nile Watershed Management Project—PID

Report - 2008

The overall goal or higher level objectives of the proposed Eastern Nile Watershed Management Project is to “assist Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan to develop and implement coordinated approaches and planning frameworks for integrated land and...

Water Supply, Sanitiation and Geneder - Promotion of Developing Countries

Position Paper - 2008

In almost all societies, men and women have different roles in water issues. This is particularly the case in rural regions. In many places women and sometimes girls are responsible for carrying and storing the water for drinking and domestic use in...

West and Central Africa Air Transport Safety and Security Program Phase 2B Project—PID

Report - 2008

Today, air transport accounts for up to 40% of world trade by value. It plays a significant role in the economic development of countries. In Africa, where poor road, port and railway infrastructure often constrains the rapid and efficient...

The EIB's Water Sector Lending Policy

Policy - 2008

Water projects in all their forms constitute an important component to support environmental protection and sustainable communities, one of the EIB’s six lending objectives inside the EU as per its Corporate Operational Plan 2008-10, and an...

Regional Communications Infrastructure Program - APL2 - Rwanda—PID

Report - 2008

Appraisal Stage Project Information Document - The core Project Development Objective is to contribute to lower prices for international capacity and to extend the geographic reach of broadband networks.The major deliverable will be the...

Financing Development - SANITATION

Research/Study Report - 2008

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