Cameroon: Bioelectricity production plant will generate 15 MW

1 February 2011

The agro-industrial complex in Dja, a plant for producing electricity from manioc, will soon open in Cameroon.

A protocol of agreement was signed Tuesday January 25 with the company Forbes Energy Cameroon (Fec).

This project, which requires an investment of 123 million dollars, aims to produce energy and bioethanol from 20,000 hectares of fields of manioc, reports the newspaper La Nouvelle Expression. Four industrial complexes will be constructed in the south of the country.

The project should generate 84.3 million dollars from export earnings, and also the industrial-scale production of 870 to 3,000 tonnes of organic fertilizer per year. The plant will generate 15 MW of electricity for the national grid.

Elsewhere, the government of Senegal announced this week, to the APS press agency, that over the next 2 years it intends to install 3 million low-energy light bulbs, to solve the energy crisis affecting the country.

Category: Energy

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