
Africa's GDP growth is projected to accelerate to 4.0 percent in 2019 and 4.1 percent in 2020 - but improved macroeconomic and employment outcomes require industry to lead growth, according to the 2019 African Economic Outlook report. Published annually since 2003, the African Development Bank’s flagship report provides headline numbers on Africa’s economic performance and outlook.

Financing Africa's infrastructure development is the special theme of the 2018 edition of the African Development Bank's "African Economic Outlook". The report highlights that Africa's infrastructure needs amount to $130–$170 billion a year, with a financing gap of $68–$108 billion. Flagging up that institutional investors manage more than $100 trillion in assets globally, the report suggests that just a small fraction of the excess global savings and low-yield resources would be enough to plug Africa’s financing gap, and finance productive and profitable infrastructure.

Report - 2015
This study, commissioned by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa, provides a detailed assessment of African Project Preparation Facilities (PPFs).

Concept Paper - For Discussion at 10th ICA Annual Meeting - 2014
The lack of a strong pipeline of well-prepared, bankable projects has been widely recognized as one of the key constraints to infrastructure development in Africa. ‘Project preparation’ is a process which comprises the entire set of...

Report - 2012
This Assessment of Project Preparation Facilities for Africa was commissioned by the Secretariat of the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA) and funded by a grant from the ICA Trust Fund. This assessment forms part of the...

Overview & Full Report - 2010
The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) is a comprehensive knowledge program commissioned by the ICA to improve understanding of Africa's infrastructure situation. The AICD assists policymakers in setting priorities for current...