ICA presents Africa power pools report to World Hydropower Congress

16 May 2017

The recent report on the status of Africa’s regional power pools was presented by the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa to participants at the recent World Hydropower Congress, held in Addis Ababa.

The Regional Power Status in Africa Power Pools report details the progress made in each of the pools and identifies findings, trends, challenges and possible solutions for the respective regions of the pools, and the potential to build effective power markets in the regions.

The ICA was a partner at the World Hydropower Congress, which took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 9 to 11 May 2017, and co-convened the session on ‘Hydropower and Interconnections in Africa’, during which the power pools report was presented by Callixte Kambanda, the ICA’s Chief Infrastructure Specialist (pictured).

The session was co-convened with the Global Energy Interconnection and Development Cooperation Organisation, GEIDCO, an international non-governmental organisation based in China dedicated to promoting the sustainable development of energy worldwide.  Following their work together at the Congress, the ICA and GEIDCO agreed to consider assessing areas of potential future collaboration. 

Organised with the support of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), this was the first time that the World Hydropower Congress took place in Africa.  It brought together leaders and specialists to set the course for hydropower’s contribution to the sustainable development of future energy and water systems.  

Categories: Energy, General News, Water

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