
Report & Assessment Template - 2010
Volume 1: Main report This publication represents a condensed version of the Pan African M&E Assessment’s final report. Volume 2: Rapid Monitoring & Evaluation Assessment Template This publication...

Brochure - 2010
Water is a fundamental element of life. If there is too little of it or – in the case of floods – far too much, if the supply is erratic or if it is contaminated with toxic substances, then it affects all areas of life. Today, more than 50 nations...

Report - 2010
The financing of climate-relevant investments in developing and industrializing countries has become an important element of development cooperation (DC). As global efforts are made to mitigate climate change and its consequences, substantial...

Position Paper - 2010
This paper summarises the experiences of German FC with public-private partnerships in the water sector. It demonstrates that PPPs are one of several possible approaches to improving water supply and sanitation in developing countries. For a PPP to...

Report - 2010
The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is one of the most diverse and valuable natural resources in Africa. Its waters are critical to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in the region. In addition to meeting the basic needs of some 30 million...

Discussion Paper - 2010
The Niger River Basin Snapshot: assessing the needs for adaptation to climate change and variability in a West African river basin. This basin snapshot aims at assessing historical trends and future projections in water availability in the...

Report - 2010
Access to safe drinking water and to sanitation facilities is a pre-condition for achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While it helps to reduce extremepoverty, food insecurity, and child mortality, it also has a positive...

Briefing Note - 2010
In many countries the shortage of freshwater re-sources is becoming a critical obstacle to economic development. An important aspect of this is the very high water consumption in agriculture compared to other sectors. The Briefing Note ‘Water...