
Report - 2011
This report evaluates the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa

Report - 2011
This report is the summary of the seminar ‘Sustainable Development of Public Transport in Africa’, held in Nairobi, Kenya, on November 10 and 11, 2009.

Report - 2011
In long years of international cooperation, KfW Bankengruppe has gained the trust of its partners – innovative financing for adaptation to climate change builds on this foundation. As the financing of climate change adaptation measures and the...

Factsheet - 2011
Sustainable transport lending is an illustration of the European Investment Bank’s commitment to emissions reduction and improved energy efficiency. By promoting a shift from private to public transport and by investing in maritime transport,...

Report - 2011
The renewed regional strategy was developed through widespread consultations. It sets World Bank directions in support of Africa’s transformation and provides the framework in which to embed country strategies. The strategy builds on lessons learned...

Report - 2011
This Progress Report comes in the wake of our new Africa Strategy, which has been prepared at a time of strong economic growth and rapid post crisis rebound that has given rise to a new optimism. In this new context, African leaders and citizens are...

Brochure - 2011
The European Union (EU) and its long-term financing institution, the European Investment Bank (EIB), have made climate change mitigation and adaptation a top policy priority. The EIB supports the EU’s goal of low-carbon and climate-resilient growth...

Factsheet - 2011
Water is the primary medium through which climate change influences human societies and ecosystems. Increased frequency of extreme weather conditions has severe impacts on the availability and quality of freshwater resources, giving rise to...

Report - 2011
The ICA has partnered with leading financial information group PEI to produce the African Infrastructure Intelligence Report. The report provides an objective and substantive overview of Africa's infrastructure needs, giving those engaged in...