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The Africa Competitiveness Report 2011

Report - 2011

The Africa Competitiveness Report 2011, the third report jointly published by World Bank organizations, comes out at a time when Africa’s recovery from the global economic crisis has been faster than it has in many other parts of the world. The...

African Development Indicators-2011

Research - 2011

This year’s Africa Development Indicators, which covers some 1,700 macroeconomic, sectoral, and human development indicators dating to the 1960s, comes at a critical time for Sub-Saharan Africa’s 48 countries and 841 million people. Since...

Infrastructure for Economic Development and Poverty Reduction

Report - 2011

This report evaluates the role of infrastructure in promoting economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa

Regional Power Status in African Power Pools

Report - 2011

This ICA report provides an overview of power pools in Africa as of end 2010, including the most recent key data and relevant information. The report covers current infrastructure and institutional status in addition to key investment trends.

When The Power Comes: An Analysis of IPPs in Africa


RENEWABLES 2011 - Global Status Report

Report - 2011

Adaptation to Climate Change - Cooperation with Developing Countries

Report - 2011

In long years of international cooperation, KfW Bankengruppe has gained the trust of its partners – innovative financing for adaptation to climate change builds on this foundation. As the financing of climate change adaptation measures and the...


Report - 2011

Project Development Objectives PDO is to reduce cost of and improve security of electricity supply to Burkina Fasowhile increasing Ghana’s electricity export capability. Project Components are Component 1: 225 kV Transmission Line between...

Africa’s Future and the World Bank’s Support to It

Report - 2011

The renewed regional strategy was developed through widespread consultations. It sets World Bank directions in support of Africa’s transformation and provides the framework in which to embed country strategies. The strategy builds on lessons learned...

Partnering for Africa's regional integration - progress report on the regional integration assistance strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa

Report - 2011

This Progress Report comes in the wake of our new Africa Strategy, which has been prepared at a time of strong economic growth and rapid post crisis rebound that has given rise to a new optimism. In this new context, African leaders and citizens are...

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