6 results:

Legal Frameworks for Renewable Energy - Policy Analysis for 15 Developing and Emerging Countries

Due to the growing importance of renewable energy on global scale, a need for effective support policies arises in many countries. Experts often take so-called “good practice examples”, which promise…

Diffusion of ICTs in Selected Ghanaian Schools

The use of Information Communication Technology (ICTs) in Ghanaian schools and African countries is generally increasing and dramatically growing (Tella & Adeyinka, 2007). However, while there is…


Project Development Objectives PDO is to reduce cost of and improve security of electricity supply to Burkina Fasowhile increasing Ghana’s electricity export capability. Project Components are…


The developmental objective of the Coastal Transmission Backbone Project of the WAPPAPL (WAPP APL 1) is to increase access of national power systems of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo,Benin and Nigeria…

Children, transport and mobility. Sharing experiences of young researchers in Ghana, Malawi and South Africa

The booklet, based on research evidence, will raise the visibility of the transport challenges faced by children and young people in sub-Saharan Africa through the medium of their own voices. It will…

Abidjan-Lagos Trade and Transport Facilitation Project—PID

The objective of the program is to reduce trade and transport barriers in the ports and on the roads along the Abidjan-Lagos coastal corridor. The total cost of the program is estimated at about…

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