288 results:

Notable progress for wind energy in SA

Notable progress for wind energy in SA Green Business Guide South Africa has 16 wind energy projects that have been given the go-ahead or are under construction, ranging in size from 20.6 MW to 138…

AfDB boosting geothermal development in East Africa: Geothermal Exploration Project in Lake Assal Region Launched

AfDB boosting geothermal development in East Africa: Geothermal Exploration Project in Lake Assal Region Launched Noodls The African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Djibouti on …

Initiative « Power Africa » : 150 milliards fca pour une centrale électrique au Nigeria

Initiative « Power Africa » : 150 milliards fca pour une centrale électrique au Nigeria Ouestaf.com Un financement intégral de 300 millions de dollars (environ 150 milliards de francs CFA) a été…

Government funds $400m worth of priority roads in Uganda

Government funds $400m worth of priority roads in Uganda New Vision 
With the national budget now estimated at sh12 trillion shillings this 2012/13 FY, one of the sectors that has benefited most…

Nigeria - Power privatisation bidders complete payments

Nigeria - Power privatisation bidders complete payments News24 Nigeria Abuja - Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan said on Monday that bidders for state electricity assets had completed payments,…

Zimbabwe: Indian Firm Wins Hwange Tender

Zimbabwe: Indian Firm Wins Hwange Tender All Africa Indian firm Indure (Private) Limited has won a tender to rehabilitate and upgrade the ash plant at the Hwange Thermal Power Station at cost of…

Africa50 Fund open by year-end

Africa50 Fund open by year-end The Sunday Mail A NEW fund to accelerate the building of infrastructure across Africa and reduce a current annual funding gap estimated at US$45 billion should be…

Power: FG targets $3.07bn overhaul of transmission infrastructure

Power: FG targets $3.07bn overhaul of transmission infrastructure Punch The Federal Government says it is targeting a $3.07bn overhaul of the electricity transmission infrastructure in the country.…

Côte d'Ivoire: Ciprel récolte 200 millions d'euros

Côte d'Ivoire: Ciprel récolte 200 millions d'euros Jeune Afrique Le producteur d'électricité Ciprel a complété la dernière tranche du financement de sa centrale thermique. D'un montant de 200…

Inga Hydropower Project in DRC - Sustainable Energy for Millions

Inga Hydropower Project in DRC - Sustainable Energy for Millions Allafrica.com The Congo River, one of the most powerful rivers in Africa, has very high hydropower potential that could contribute…

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