Infrastructure News

New road in Angola receives commission


Angola is to see a transport infrastructure project after it was announced that a commission for a new road has been approved. Minister of works and transport for the African nation Erik Nghimtina confirmed that the 12.6 km...

Category: Transport

Côte d'Ivoire: Lancement d'une série de travaux d'infrastructures


Le Chef de l'Etat ivoirien, Alassane Ouattara, vient d'annoncer le lancement d'ici quelques semaines d'une série de travaux d'infrastructures, lors de la cérémonie de lancement des travaux...

Categories: Water, Transport

Nigeria to boost hydropower energy with dam developments


More hydropower energy could be produced in Nigeria after the government revealed its plans to develop 20 medium and large dams in the country.

Minister of water resources for Nigeria Sarah Reng Ochekpe said these existing dams...

Category: Energy

La BAD octroie 870 millions USD pour les infrastructures du Gabon


Le Gabon va recevoir très prochainement la somme de 870 millions de dollars de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), afin de contribuer au renforcement des infrastructures dans le secteur des transports,...

Categories: ICT, Transport, Energy

82% of Nigeria to have mobile access by 2015, says Nokia


Most Nigerians will soon be able to have mobile phone access as the country's telecommunication infrastructure is set to improve. This is according to Nokia Siemens Network (NSN) who stated that growth in the nation's...

Category: ICT

Airtel invests $100m in Rwanda's ICT infrastructure


Rwanda is set to see an investment of $100 million (£63.52 million) for its ICT infrastructure after Airtel revealed it will put the money into a new telecoms scheme over the next three years. The telecommunications...

Category: ICT

Le Salon international des énergies renouvelables 2012 aura lieu à Dakar


Dakar, au Sénégal, va accueillir du 7 au 10 novembre 2012 le Salon international des énergies renouvelables en Afrique, rapporte un communiqué repris par l'agence de presse APS.

Le Fonds africain...

Category: Energy

HP expands presence in Ghana to enhance ICT infrastructure


Hewlett-Packard (HP) will help boost ICT infrastructure in Ghana after opening an office in the African country.

The IT company intends to expand its presence with the establishment and has signed a memorandum of understanding...

Category: ICT

LA BDEAC octroie plus de 75 millions USD pour l'énergie au Cameroun


La Banque de développement des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (BDEAC) a approuvé vendredi dernier deux prêts d'un montant total de 35 milliards de FCFA (75,6 millions de dollars) afin de financer deux...

Category: Energy

Mali to receive AfDB loan for IT complex


Mali is to receive a $22.5 million (£14 million) loan to build a technology complex in Bamako, the country's capital.

The funding was approved by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and will help the country to boost...

Category: ICT

Angola: 43 pour cent de couverture en eau et assainissement


L'Angola a atteint un de taux de couverture de fourniture d'eau et assainissement de 43 pourcent, rapporte l'agence de presse Angop.

Cet objectif a été atteint dans le cadre du programme « Eau pour...

Category: Water

Samsung Ghana boosts interest in ICT projects with GJA


Samsung Ghana is attempting to boost ICT infrastructure projects in the nation by supporting the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) awards.

The telecommunications company has announced it will partner with the GJA for the Best...

Category: ICT

African leaders readdress infrastructure development goals


Leaders of some African nations have recognised the need to readdress goals regarding infrastructure development projects.

The African Development Bank (AfDB), along with the UN Economic Commission for Africa and the African...

Category: General

Samsung invests $140m in Ghana's ICT infrastructure


Samsung has announced it will be investing $140 million (£88 million) in Ghana and other areas of Africa over a five-year period, with the intention of improving ICT and telecommunications infrastructure. The electronics...

Category: ICT

Deux nouveaux barrages hydrauliques en projet en Algérie


L'Agence nationale des barrages et transferts (ANBT) vient de lancer deux appels d'offre pour la construction de deux barrages en Algérie.

Le premier barrage sera construit dans la région de Djidiouia avec...

Categories: Water, Energy

New ICT partnership in Kenya 'will lower telecom costs'


Telecommunications costs in Kenya are likely to be reduced through a new ICT partnership between public and private organisations. According to All Africa Global Media, the move will enable the country to build and manage its...

Category: ICT

La Boad finance un projet électrique au Togo


La Banque ouest-africaine de développement (Boad) a octroyé 43 millions de dollars au Togo afin de financer un projet d'infrastructures électriques.

L'accord a été signé le 1er...

Category: Energy

Paracon joins Adcorp to boost ICT infrastructure in SA


South Africa (SA) could see its ICT infrastructure improve after it was announced that Paracon has joined Adcorp.

The recruitment agency Adcorp submitted a proposal for R662 million (£57.95 million) for the information...

Category: ICT

L'Afd appuie l'OMVS pour une meilleure gestion de l'eau


Une nouvelle convention de partenariat d'un montant de 360 millions de francs Cfa (776 000 dollars) a été signée le 29 août dernier entre l'Agence française de développement (Afd)...

Category: Water

Mozambique has 30 biofuel projects underway to boost energy supply


The energy infrastructure in Mozambique is set to improve after it was revealed that more than 30 biofuel projects are taking place in the African nation.

Helio Neves, biofuel programme coordinator at the Agricultural Promotion...

Category: Energy

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