
The Zambezi River Basin A Multi-Sector Investment Opportunities Analysis

Report - 2010

The Zambezi River Basin (ZRB) is one of the most diverse and valuable natural resources in Africa. Its waters are critical to sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction in the region. In addition to meeting the basic needs of some 30 million...

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Upper and Middle Niger River Basin

Discussion Paper - 2010

 The Niger River Basin Snapshot: assessing the needs for adaptation to climate change and variability in a West African river basin. This basin snapshot aims at assessing historical trends and future projections in water availability in the...

Pro-Poor Financial Services for Rural Water - Linking Water Sector to Rural Finance

Report - 2010

Access to safe drinking water and to sanitation facilities is a pre-condition for achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). While it helps to reduce extremepoverty, food insecurity, and child mortality, it also has a positive...

Effective Agricultural Water Management

Briefing Note - 2010

In many countries the shortage of freshwater re-sources is becoming a critical obstacle to economic development. An important aspect of this is the very high water consumption in agriculture compared to other sectors. The Briefing Note ‘Water...

Water Scarcity and Agriculture

Briefing Note - 2010

The world's population trebled in the course of the twentieth century. Freshwater use increased sixfold in the same period. For many regions this has raised a problem that is coming to be seen as one of the major challenges for the future of...

Water - Saving Irrigation

Briefing Note - 2010

In the 21st century, an increasing number of countries will have to cope with severe water scarcity. It is gen-erally agreed that this water crisis can be attributed to high levels of water use in agriculture, especially in irrigated agriculture....

Infrastructures africaines : Une transformation impérative


Cette étude fait partie du Diagnostic des infrastructures nationales en Afrique (AICD), un projet conçu pour élargir la connaissance mondiale de l’infrastructure physique de l’Afrique. L’AICD constituera une base de référence par rapport à laquelle...

ICA 2009 Annual Report & Annual Report Overview

Annual Report - 2009

The Annual Report analyses the 2009 commitments and disbursements for infrastructure in Africa by ICA Members and other sources of finance.

Improving Hygience Awareness and Sanitation - Findings and Recommendatios for Development Banks


The central objective of the International Year of Sanitation was to put the global community on track to achieve the MDG sanitation target. The year was successful in increasing awareness and commitment and mobilizing governments. However, one year...

Les Petits opérateurs privés de la distribution d’eau à Maputo : d’un problème à une solution ? Regards croisés

Study/Research - 2009

A Maputo, le réseau officiel d’approvisionnement en eau potable ne dessert qu’une petite partie des habitants de l’agglomération. De nombreux habitants, en particulier ceux de la périphérie de la ville, n’ont d’autre choix que de s’approvisionner...

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